Originating in South Carolina, this small startup began with the culmination of volunteer service experience and exposure to different and fascinating computer and owner adventures.  Some were easy and some were not.  The best stories are often the one's ending in a simple operator error and some not. 

We hope that your computer obstacles are easily resolved, rather than tragedy befall you.  If it does, we are here to help!

We service by day ...      ... and RESCUE by night.

Founders First Steps

I started learning computers as most did, as a child.  I became personally interested in building and programming my own computers after I moved out on my own.   However, my best experiences were met through volunteering in elder communities.  Great stories and great people.  This is why I look back and dream that this company will be a support and not a drain on our communities.

The Vision

Connecting our communities with skilled computer technicians.

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